Success Stories
Read more stories from the graduates like Lena who’ve accepted the “challenge” to change. Hear the “Voices of ChalleNGe”

Get Involved
Your contributions mean so much to the thousands of young
men and women across the country.
Make a donation or contribution.

In The News
CBS Evening News aired a multi-part series that chronicled the transformation that occurs in cadets of the Youth ChalleNGe Program.
21 c. Education
Educational partners such
as AMAP help to
bring 21st-century learning
opportunities to Youth
Challenge Academies.
Want to know more about us?
About The Foundation
Our goal is to grow ChalleNGe to serve 20,000 young people each year. Our mission is to provide resources and opportunities to help graduates of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program maintain a path of success beyond graduation day.